International Partners


Called to Bless

Scott & Sharon Smith

Wakiso, Uganda

  • We started in 2014 with outreaches into rural villages with children’s ministry, food, Bible and shoe distribution. In 2016 we registered as a community-based organization and started setting up home base in Kigoma Wakiso. This allowed us to start a kindergarten, children’s Bible club and vocational training (sewing & hair braiding) for teens and women. We are also involved in conferences, evangelistic outreaches, as well as food and Bible distribution as we are able.

  • Praise

    We praise God for a successful training time with our kindergarten teachers to encourage and further develop their skills.

    We were also given 'Stories of Hope' and other books allowing us to train Sunday school teachers, school teachers and another ministry as well as supply them with materials they can use to share the gospel message and to disciple children.

    One Sunday school teacher after receiving these books immediately began to use them to share the gospel with children in his village, not just his Sunday school class.

    In total so far 5,012 books have been distributed to 22 churches, 7 schools and to another ministry.

    We praise God for His provision.


    Pray for those we trained and for the Word being sown in lives as they reach out beyond our own boundaries to bring the gospel to every child and to disciple them though the Word.

    We also had a girls evening — an opportunity to speak into 12 girls' lives and supply them with female pads not always affordable to poorer families.

e3 Canada & I Am Second Canada

Jeremy Doorten

Canada & Philippines
(50+ other international locations)

  • In 2009, Jeremy & Kathryn Doorten were forced to make some tough decisions and leave their much beloved Pastorate in Prince Albert, SK due to some personal health matters. Shortly after relocating their family back to Southern Ontario where other family were living, the Doorten's took a leap of faith to establish a Canadian division of e3 Partners Ministry. Early training trips lead Jeremy to serve in Rwanda, Africa and Uttar Pradesh, India. Very soon after, new counties started to open up to e3 Canada such as Belize, Nicaragua, Cuba, China and Philippines. God started to draw together a strong team of highly committed men and women who want to see "No Place Left" (Acts 19:10) and today 21 staff serve vocationally across Canada and many are also invested in long term strategies. Hundreds of volunteers are involved in local and international outreaches associated with e3 Canada and even in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, local teams in Kitchener/Waterloo and region are seeing 3-5 baptisms a week! All glory be to God!

  • e3 Canada is on the move!

    The entire staff of e3 Canada is fully engaged in a new initiative we call Every Disciple Sent. We have come to conclude that there is a severe defect of discipleship in Canada. People are hungry for engagement and want to be equipped to make a difference in this world, especially since the pandemic. As such, we are hosting 6 flagship events across the nation to fire up the church and gather together for passionate praise and worship, and simple training of evangelism tools and principles.

    For those who just 'want more’, participants are invited to return for Intensive Schools to go deeper in our Identity in Christ and Evangelism tools, and then we hit the streets together. Already, hundreds have been saved, dozens of miracles have been documented, demons cast out - its like walking out the book of Acts here in Canada! Pray for us as we travel to Moncton, St. Jacob’s, Peterborough, Sylvan Lake, Kelowna, and more all throughout 2022.

    Canada shall be saved! Come join us

    Additionally, we are continuing our online discipleship and training of national leaders in Philippines and Pakistan. God has given us a unique window of opportunity to invest in faithful men and women in restricted countries. Our very own Guy McGuffin has been faithfully training on Zoom for nearly two years as the Indigenous leaders travel from village to village equipping their own to reach the lost.

    Thank you for praying also for the families of each of our missionaries. We have seen unprecedented spiritual battles come against God’s elect in this season. We covet your prayers over our homes, our children, our finances etc.

Global Harvest Ministries

Mark & Sharon Davy

North Africa, Middle East, South Asia

  • After 17 years of pastoring, Mark and Sharon Davy left pastoring to go into full-time missionary evangelism. They founded Global Harvest Ministries International Inc, which is recognized as a Canadian Charity. GHMI has bases in Uganda, Pakistan and Philippines and support operations in Thailand. Since 1999 GHMI has seen 3 million souls come to Christ.

  • Praise Report:

    I have just returned from a successful trip to Pakistan where we dedicated the newly built GHMI Church building in Dawood Colony, Faisalabad. I also conducted a leadership seminar, graduated 84 Bible College students and launched the new GHMI Bible College and Seminary in Faisalabad.

    In addition, the GHMI Life Skills Tailoring Program was officially launched and Sharon did a Women’s Conference via ZOOM. I preached in many small villages where there are several Christians but no churches. GHMI secured land to build a second Church in one village where Christians are meeting with a Pastor but have no building.

    Together we saw about 400 people saved, with many healings. We baptized 85

    men and women in water including one of my private security guards who I had the opportunity to lead to the Lord.

    It was a very profitable trip. We praise God for making the way for myself and the GHMI Team through your prayers and financial support.

    Prayer Requests:

    • Money to build a much-needed Church

    • Land to build a school and church for families who are enslaved

    • The success of GHMI Bible College and Seminary

    • Pray for our 18 churches located around the city of Faisalabad

    • Please pray as we commence construction on the Ludari village church, in Uganda this July

Good News Ministries

Mauro & Connie Girgenti

Italy, Sourthern Europe-Northern Africa

  • Max and Connie have been married for 35 years and they have three daughters. They have been pastoring for 39 years, planted four churches and direct three Bible schools. They are also the national directors of Rhema Italy and oversee a ministerial association with a membership of more than 50 ministers.

    In July of 1994 they founded Good News Ministries, a non-profit missionary organization affiliated with C.F.C.M. (Canadian Fellowship of Churches and Ministers), the organization with which Max is ordained.

    Connie is an ordained minister with OBFF (Open Bible Faith Fellowship). She is also the founder and president of Dunamis Publishing House, and has translated and printed in Italian more than 55 books, by authors including Kenneth E. Hagin, Jerry Savelle, Joyce Meyer and Dr. Caroline Leaf.

    Max and Connie’s mission is to transform nations one person at a time. They do this by planting churches, holding national and regional conferences, and training and equipping leaders. They are passionate about the local church and building up believers in the Body of Christ. For more on the Good News Ministries vision, please click Vision.

    Dr. Max Girgenti has a BSc. from the University of Toronto, is a graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center, holds a Doctor of Ministry (D. Min.) and an honorary Doctor of Divinity (D. D.) from SBTSU (School of Bible Theology Seminary and University).

  • Wisdom to navigate the lock downs

    Finances for our churches

    Many would receive Jesus as Saviour

    All the equipment needed (tables, chairs, sound and media equipment)

    Finances for rent

    Our outreaches in foster homes and hospitals

    Our prison ministry

Into All The World

Bill & Barb Lewis

Scotland, Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, Cambodia, Peru, Haiti, Dominican Republic

  • The ministry began in 1981 in Kitchener to send 3 workers to Kenya and expanded in coming years to this our 40th year. Over 100 workers have been sent out both long and short term. We have worked in over 40 nations. We have been associated with "Finishing the Task" for 6 years and seen unengaged people groups (UUPG)go down from 1500 to 200. Our desire is to be part of the world wide team that sees the great commission finished.

  • Thank you for your prayers!

    We ask for prayer for safety and wisdom for our workers who face dangers on a daily basis - whether from persecution or just the act of travelling on country roads.

    Pray for our partners in Sri Lanka who are facing severe food and provision shortages, and the resulting strife in the country.

    Please pray for God's Word to go forth as we send it out in various forms, from educational primers for nomadic students to training materials for pastors.

    We are praising God for the answer to prayer of the beginnings of peace coming into an area where there has been years of conflict. Please continue to pray for the Father to send forth labourers as the harvest fields are ripe!

For Afrika


(formerly JAM)

Click here to watch the full interview on Koinonia’s YouTube channel.

  • In partnership with our communities, For Africa remove barriers and restore the abundance of Africa to her people.

    Before its rebranding, ForAfrika was known as JAM International. When our founder, the late Peter Pretorius, was left stranded in Pambarra, Mozambique, he saw the horrific consequences of starvation — children were dying around him every day. The experience changed his life forever and he and his wife Ann committed themselves to fighting for a better future for Africa’s children.

    From initially only providing lifesaving nutritional relief in one country, the organisation has grown to deliver a variety of localised programme interventions in another five African countries — Angola, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Africa, South Sudan and Uganda.

    Learn More About ForAfrika
    Loyalty Funding Support

Mully Children’s Family

Dr. Charles Mulli


  • Mully Children’s Family (MCF) is a Christian non-profit making registered trust, operating various charity initiatives in Kenya and beyond. It was founded in 1989 by Dr. Ev. Charles Mutua Mulli, an entrepreneur and philanthropist.

    MCF initiatives encompass Rescue, Rehabilitation, Reintegration and Prevention (3RP) to safeguard the rights, safety, well- being, dignity and development of children. We provide holistic care and protection to vulnerable children who include orphans, children from the street, child mothers, neglected, abused and abandoned children among others. MCF is currently supporting over 3,500 children and youth in our Child Protection and development centres and in communities.

    Though domiciled in Kenya, MCF also guides, supports and mentors organizations, agencies, individuals and corporate groups around the World in constructively reaching out to children in need of care and protection. The rallying call of “Saving Children’s Lives” is modeled along the key intervention geared towards impacting Child Protection and Development initiatives.


Oto & Liz Perez

Connecting, Equipping & Mobilizing the Global Hispanic Church in Mission

  • We seek to provide people with an opportunity to discover their sweet spot in cross-cultural service for their own development and with an international impact by preparing in advance and working with others through our programs, which include short-term service trips.

    We facilitate learning opportunities for local Canadian faith communities, private schools, individuals or families to make a difference in the world by growing in compassion, helping without hurting, and developing their Global responsibility through understanding and engaging current world issues for the eradication of poverty.

    We work with national leaders in community outreach, leadership development & poverty alleviation by coming alongside to encourage, equip with resources, and celebrate their efforts in bringing transformation to disadvantaged communities.

  • In our sphere of life and influence, we are praising God for:

    • A safe and fruitful trip to the Dominican Republic

    • The confirmation of next steps for ministry there

    • New relationships and possibilities for our ministry

    Thank you for continuing to pray with us for:

    • God’s timing for the delivery of Oto's Cuban passport that is needed in order to enter Cuba

    • Pastor Julio’s health (gall stones) and Pastor Antonio’s recovery from back surgery

    • Pastors and leaders coming together officially to form the NEXO Lead Team in the Dominican Republic

    • Provision needed for VALIENTE’s development:

    • Finances for printing Study Guides

    • Volunteer Teams to travel in the Fall 2022

    • National leaders to teach the VALIENTE course in different regions

Power at Work

Anthony Van Engen


  • Power at Work really started in 2004, but for years we worked with and under several different organizations. In 2016 we felt a strong push to start our own charity. I (Anthony) had been working in Guatemala since 2004, but was limited to the charities I was working under and their ability for facilitate different projects. So a group of missionary friends and I got together and started the process. In 2017 we got accepted and it’s been amazing to see how God has grown everything as we continue to declare the Love of God in Guatemala. 

  • Pray for opportunities to show The love of Christ every day and that everyone in Guatemala will be saved!

    Pray for protection as we go into hard to reach places which sometimes can be dangerous and as we work and train the youth.

    Guidance and a heart of obedience to hear Gods voice so we would know exactly what He wants us to do.

    Pray that every day and every way we would be driven by the love of Jesus to show the love of Christ to Guatemala and the world.

    Please pray for the people volunteering with us. Grant, Carol, Edwin, Estefa, Nim, Antolín and Don Celso - and all the youth.

    Pray for the people of Guatemala. That they would come to know God and live in the fullness he has for them.

    For protection as we work and travel in the country.

    For health for the ministry workers and the people we work with.

    And that God would do in us everything he has to to be able to work through us to achieve all he wants to for his kingdom.

    And that in all we do his love would be the focus and it would be shown!

The Great Commission Foundation

Ken & Cris Sandberg

Davao City, Philippines

  • Ken and Cris Sandberg have been missionaries in the Philippines for more than 30 years. They serve in Davao City on Mindanao island under the covering of the Great Commission Foundation (Canada) and Go To Nations (USA). The focus of their ministry is raising up new church leaders by teaching in Bible Schools and conducting leadership conferences. They also operate an orphanage, pastor a local church, host mission teams, lead mission trips to other Asian nations, do summer youth camps and evangelistic outreaches and are partnered with a local home for the aged where Cris serves as the chaplain.

  • Three siblings from Living Stones Orphanage have just gone to a foster family in a city near Davao. They were in the orphanage for six years. The oldest is already 14, so this has been a long time coming. Please pray that all goes well for this family in welcoming these three into their home, and possibly having the desire to adopt them as the months and years go by! Also, Living Stones now has room for new children to be admitted into the Care Home, so please pray for the right ones to be sent our way by the government agency.

    Pray for the five seniors who gave their lives to Christ at the Golden Haven Home for the Aged a few weeks ago. They are new to that care home and praise God, they now know Jesus in a personal way.

    Lastly, please pray for Church 153, pastored by Ken & Cris, where the youth group is growing - especially after a recent event called Youth Reload where more than 50 youth attended and six were born again for the first time. Several of those have started attending the church.

    Thanks to all who pray for us! It really helps.

Jindi & Rebecca


  • Jindi & Rebecca met on a mission trip to Kenya in university, were married and worked full time in international missions for 8 years before settling down in K-W. After 15 years serving the K-W community professionally (Jindi as an RN and Rebecca as an instructor at WLU) they felt God’s invitation to return to international missions, now as a family of five. They joined Youth With A Mission Canada as full time staff in 2019 after completing a Family Discipleship Training School at the University of the Nations in Kona.

    Jindi & Rebecca’s heart is for their Northern Indian people, to share the gospel and disciple new believers in the state of Punjab. They have a vision to establish a community ministry center in Punjab and make the Bible accessible in their language. Jindi & Rebecca also desire to connect with Punjabi students coming to Canada as international students through friendship, evangelism and discipleship as they live far from home.

    Click here to stay up to date on what’s happening with Jindi & Rebecca.

  • We have been asked to lead a short campus team to Northern India summer 2023, after five years of waiting to re-schedule. We are praying into this trip as a time to re-connect, re-establish and renew our vision for our family land in Punjab. We would spend 2-3 months in Punjab building community connections and planting seeds for the foundation of our long term vision. Please pray that the Lord would arrange our time for His purposes as we take tangible steps to walk out our vision!

Restricted Access Nations

There are ministries that we support that operate in areas where they are persecuted and cannot have an online presence. Here's how you can support these missions works in prayer:

  1. Protection for our brothers and sisters during this fierce government crackdown

  2. God would water the seeds that have been sown and use this desperate time to draw people to Himself

  3. For the door to open again and for the Lord to send more people who love the nationals