The Heart of Generations


God is Building a Generational Church by Design

God thinks generationally. He always is thinking about the next generation.

God is a Generational God

Exodus 3:6 – "I am the God of your Father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob."

Deuteronomy 6:1-10 – Moses knew the significance of passing on the teachings and heart of God.

Psalm 78:1-7 – The Psalmists at the time of David knew...

God is an Intentional God

Matthew 18:-1-6 – He loves kids…includes kids…calls up kids.

Matthew 19:13-15 – He loves every stage and every age

Every decision we make is not just about us, or our generation; it is also about the generations that follow and what they will accomplish.

The promise made in Genesis 12; The promise fulfilled Mattew 1.

God is an Envisioning God

Psalm 145:1-13 – pass the message on to each coming generation.

Passing on our faith to the next generations is essential, not an option.

If we raise a church that ignores our children, we will raise children who ignore the church.

Envision the PRESENT and Envision the FUTURE

God is building His Church through the generations.

We are a church of many generations of families, and we are a family of many generations as a church.

Be alive in my generation means carrying God's vision and reaching my community.

God is Intentional With Every Generation

"Children are the church of today and the leaders of tomorrow"
- Beth Fleming

We are building a family of today and for the future.

Every age and stage has a place and a purpose.

Learning from those who have gone before, to prepare for those that are yet to come.

Together we are following Christ and building His Church.

We can be intentional by...

  • Honouring both those before us and those coming behind us.

  • Acknowledging every generation brings value, strength and purpose from God.

  • Doing all of life together, side by side. It was God's idea!

  • Working together declaring the kingdom of God in our world.

  • Pursuing each other so we can do what God has called us to do.

  • Including every age and every stage of life, knowing they carry the heart of God.

God has a Vision for this Generations to reach the Church that is yet to Come!

Through Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob, we hear an eternal promise and learn a Holy Reverence of God.

Through Moses, we see it is key to leave no generation behind. Include every age and stage, for that, is God's plan.

Through David, we hear the need to pass on to every generation the declaration of God's great works.

Through Jesus, we know that the Father loves the generations He has created down through the ages from Adam to today and into tomorrow!

Through the generations who gained wisdom from serving & building before us...

Through the generations who are young with passion and life...

"Build a Church you'd want to go to; build a people you'd want to do life with; build a future you'd want to inherit."
- Pastor Brian Houston


The Heart of Stewardship